Sunday, March 25, 2012

Upgrading MicroFocus for COBOL

Requirement: To upgrade the existing Microfocus 4.0SP2 to Microfocus 5.0 WP4. After the upgrade, MS 4.0SP2 Runtime license will still be loaded as this is still being used by an older version of PS (8.47). The compiler will now use MS 5.0, COBOLs compiled on this version can still run with MS 4 as this is backwards compatible. License used is the same with what was previously used for MS 4.

The upgrade was done on a Sun Solaris environment, where there are separate boxes for the application server and the process scheduler. The compiler will be installed on the process scheduler server only, while the runtime license will be installed on both boxes.

Applies toStepsDetails/CommentsCommand
N/AAcquire ULP
( ps-sx-auto.tar )

email  with the following details:

Full Company Name:  
Purchase Order #:

Application Server, PSUNX ServerUpload installers to serversupload ps-sx-auto.tar and SX50_WP4_sun_sparc_dev.tar to /opt/software/peoplesoft/thirdparty/Microfocus/MF5.0 of Application Server and PSUNX Server 
PSUNX ServerShutdown mflm_manager if still running sudo su - root
COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/4.0SP2;export COBDIR
cd /opt/microfocus/4.0SP2/mflmf
ps -ef | grep mflm_manager
./lmfgetpv k
  To verify if license manager is shutdown ./lmfgetpv
Application Server, PSUNX ServerBack up old installation cd /var
mv mfaslmf mfaslmf.bak.<yyyymmdd>
cd /tmp
mv ULP ULP.bak.<yyymmdd>
cd /opt/microfocus
mv 4.0SP2 4.0SP2.bak.<yyymmdd>
Application Server, PSUNX ServerInstall micro focus net express 5.0NOTE: This installation is also required by the Application Server servers so ULP could be installed. 
Application Server, PSUNX Server Create new $COBDIR/opt/microfocus $ mkdir 5.0WP4
Application Server, PSUNX Server Transfer SX50_WP4_sun_sparc_dev.tar to new $COBDIRcd /opt/software/peoplesoft/thirdparty/Microfocus/MF5.0
cp -pr
SX50_WP4_sun_sparc_dev.tar /opt/microfocus/5.0WP4
Application Server, PSUNX Server

 Start installation


cd  /opt/microfocus/5.0WP4
tar -xf SX50_WP4_sun_sparc_dev.tar
rm SX50_WP4_sun_sparc_dev.tar

COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/5.0WP4;export COBDIR
# echo $COBDIR


Do you want to continue (y/n): y

Do you agree to the terms of the License Agreement? (y/n):
Please confirm your understanding of the above reference environment details (y/n):
Do you want to make use of COBOL and Java working together? (y/n):
Would you like to install LMF now? (y/n):
Enter the directory name where you wish to install License Manager
(Press Enter for default directory /opt/microfocus/mflmf) 
do you wish to create it ? (y/n) 
Do you want only superuser to be able to access the License Admin System? (y/n)
Do you want license manager to be automatically started at boot time? (y/n)
Please enter either 32 or 64 to set the system default mode:
Do you wish to configure Enterprise Server now? (y/n):
Do you want to install XDB? (y/n):
Installation completed successfully.
The COBOL system is ready to use.

chmod 750 mflmf
Application Server, PSUNX Server Validate if mflmf and mfaslmf directoried were createdls  /opt/microfocus/5.0WP4/mflmf
ls /var/mfaslmf
Application Server, PSUNX Server Transfer  ps-sx-auto.tar to $COBDIR/ULPcd $COBDIR
mkdir ULP
cd /opt/software/peoplesoft/thirdparty/Microfocus/MF5.0
cp -pr ps-sx-auto.tar
Application Server, PSUNX Server Set variablesCOBDIR=/opt/microfocus/5.0WP4;export COBDIR
COBPATH="/opt/microfocus/5.0WP4/ULP:$COBPATH";export  COBPATH
PATH=${COBDIR}/bin:${PATH}; export PATH
Application Server, PSUNX Server Install ULP (Load Runtime License)cd /opt/microfocus/5.0WP4/ULP
tar -xf ps-sx-auto.tar
chmod +x p* (Set execute permission on the scripts and programs)
Application Server, PSUNX Server Verify ULP installation

cd $COBDIR/aslmf
(set an access password, before proceeding)

select 1 to list summary of licenses
verify values
select 9 to exit
Application Server, PSUNX Server Re-install 4.0SP2

 --- install 4.0 SP2 before proceeding --
#  DO NOT install LMF from this version of Server Express  #
#  Since we are going to use the LMF that was installed    #
#  from Server Express 5.0 WP4                             #
Application Server, PSUNX Server Verify ULP installation

Run Time versions should show both
COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/5.0WP4;export COBDIR

cd $COBDIR/aslmf
select 1 to list summary of licenses
verify values
select 9 to exit
PSUNX Server Install Development Licenses (compiler license)

The utility mflmcmd is used for initial install of the Server Express Development License
         It only allows one license to be installed.

         The other utilities that can be used to install Development Licenses are mflicense and mflmadm.
         mflicense and mflmadm are the general purpose utilities used for administering
         Server Express Development licenses.

         So after the initial license is installed with mflmcmd, all subsequent license additions
         and deletions will be done with either mflicense or mflmadm

cd to mflmf directory

Micro Focus License Manager Command Line Interface
            Select the function you require from the list:
            License Install   - Enter 'I'

            Ready to install license
            Enter the Serial Number part of the License Key:
            <enter serial number>
            Enter the License Number part of the License Key:
            <enter license number>
            License added ok
            Note that the license database cannot be moved, copied,
            or restored without reloading the license keys
PSUNX Server Verify ULP installation

A total of 6 lisences will appear when option 1 (licence list) is selected
cd $COBDIR/aslmf
./apptrack (set an access password, before proceeding)
select 2 to list summary of licenses
verify values
select 9 to exit
PSUNX Server Start License managercd to mflmf directory

ps -ef| grep manager (to verify if license manager is running)
review logs and check for errors (MF-LMF.log)
Application Server, PSUNX Server Verify if new version of Cobol 5.0 is working via test cobol compile

NOTE: To test Application Server/PROD servers, transfer the gnt file then run.
make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH is setup and include 4.0 libraries:

cd $COBDIR/bin
./cob -Vup $COBDIR/demo/debug/pi.cbl
Go to $COBDIR/bin and check if executable file pi.gnt is created.

Run pi.gnt via
cobrun ./pi.gnt
Application Server, PSUNX Server Verify if version of Cobol 4.0 is still working via test cobol compile

NOTE: To test Application Server/PROD servers, transfer the gnt file then run.
Note: Set up  LD_LIBRARY_PATH and COBDIR and set them to 4.0 directories first.
COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/4.0SP2;export COBDIR
echo $COBDIR

cd $COBDIR/bin
./cob -Vup $COBDIR/demo/debug/pi.cbl
Go to $COBDIR/bin and check if executable file pi.gnt is created.

Run pi.gnt via ./cobrun pi.gnt



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