Thursday, October 24, 2013

UNIX Script: Basic command to create/add users and groups

#create a user and set its password
useradd -m user
passwd user

#create a new group in unix
groupadd group

#create a user and add it to a group
useradd -g groupname -m user
passwd user

#add a user to multiple groups
usermod -G group1, group2, group3 user

#other user/group command

#Change name of a user (UID) and ownership of its folders (e.g, PS_HOME is owned by user psoft1, rename the user to psoft and PS_HOME ownership will change as well)
usermod -l <New Name> <Old Name>

#Change ownsership of directory and its subdirectories and files
chown -R user /path/to/dir

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Windows Batch Scripting: Date format manipulation

Just a quick note on date manipulation.

So what does it mean when you see the following in a script:

set /a y=%date:~-4%
set /a d=%date:~07,2%
set /a m=%date:~-10,2%

easy as pie. First you need to know the date format you will be using:

echo %date%
Tue 10/15/2013

Now, here's what our code above means.
Set /a y - Of course, you set the value for y for year.
%date:~-4% - you call on the date as with the echo command earlier. But only display the value starting from -4 up to the last character. The negative value indicates that you should count from the last character of the date value. from here, -4 lands on the number 2. It will then display from that number up to the last which is 2013.

Set /a d - d is for day.
%date:~07,2% - Similar from the above, it calls the date and counts from the positive 7th character. The number 2 then indicates that you should read 2 characters starting from character 7. From our example, the value is 15.

set /a m - m for month, obviously :)
%date:~-10,2% - lastly, as another example, you count from the last digit up to the 10th character. Display 2 digits from the 10th character which is 10.

The example above shows that we can use either a negative or positive values in setting the date value on a variable.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Windows Batch Script Date format: Set day of the year

Unfortunately there is no direct way to do so. You would need to perform some computation after parsing the date. Below is the script you can use:

@echo off
setlocal disabledelayedexpansion

set /a y=%date:~-4%
set /a m=%date:~-07,2%
set /a d=%date:~-10,2%

set /a w= %d% +(!(%y% %% 4)-!(%y% %% 100)+!(%y% %% 400))*(!((%m%-3)^&16))
set /a w=(%w%+(%m%-1)*30+2*(!((%m%-7)^&16))-1+((65611044^>^>(2*%m%))^&3))
echo %w%

One thing to note about using SET /A command is that it treats its values as an octal notation. To easily explain this, below is an excerpt from one of my searches in google (forgot where, if you know, please comment below so I can credit appropriately.)

“SET /A has a very unfortunate feature in that any number that has a leading 0 is treated as octal notation. So a value of 08 or 09 is not a valid number for SET /A, and will give the error message that you cited. To get the correct value you must represent the MINS as 8 or 9 (no leading 0). Note that 00 through 07 work fine because both octal and decimal interpretation yield the same value.”

Here is the octal and decimal values:

Of course, you may simply remove the /A when you only want to get the values for y, m and d. But when using the 08 and 09 value in another date computation (eg. computing for the value of w above), they will still be interpreted as octal because of the SET /A used. To remedy the above issue, you can use:

set /a m=%date:~-07,2%
set /a d=%date:~-10,2%

Echoing  %m% - %d%  gives you 08 and 09.

REM use the following to remove leading ZERO values:
set /a m=10000%date:~-07,2% %% 10000
set /a d=10000%date:~-10,2% %% 10000

Echoing  %m% - %d%  gives you 8 and 9.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Create DBLINK for Oracle Database

Easy as pie. Use this template:

create public database link <DB Link name> connect to <User account> identified by <Password> using '<Database SID>';

From Oracle's format in creating dblinks:

    | user IDENTIFIED BY password
      [ dblink_authentication ]
  | dblink_authentication
  [ USING 'connect_string' ]

Or this one:


To verify your DB link, use:

select distinct db_link, created from dba_db_links where db_link='DB LINK NAME';

Common error when using your dblink is getting the ORA-02069 message. As per the following link:

ORA-02069: global_names parameter must be set to TRUE

If you get this error while trying to access a table over the database link.
This error happens when the database parameter global_names is set to TRUE.
When this is the case, the database link need to have the same name as the global name of the remote database (the one you are trying to connect to).

You can find out if global_names is on by using:
SQL> show parameter global_names

Find out the global name of the remote database. Log into the remote database and use:

SQL> select * from global_name;


Create the database link in the Oracle database appropriately:

SQL> create database link DB1 connect to scott identified by tiger using 'DB1'

Altering the password used by your DBLINK? Here are the steps:

1. Drop databae link:
    drop public database link <DBLINK name>;

2. Recreate dblink:
    use any of the commands above.

I've even tried using the TNSNAMES entry - just because, although I am not sure if this has any negative impact. I'm thinking no since using the DB name will also use this entry. One drawback I can think of is the cluttered result of your query when selecting from dba_db_links:

Example -

$tnsping factfinder

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
OK (30 msec)

The command to create the DBLINK is:

create public database link factfinder connect to <user> identified by <password> using '((DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = factfinder) (FAILOVER_MODE = (TYPE = SELECT) (METHOD = BASIC) (RETRIES = 180) (DELAY = 5))))';

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How is your PeopleSoft?

Like most peoplesoft practitioners, I am also aware of the seemingly dwindling opportunities we have when it comes to finding new jobs. Of course I'm from a country where we have only a few companies that has peoplesoft, and most of them are BPO/support work, so I do not really have that much visibility on the market.

So I want to know, if your a Peoplesoft practitioner, on what Peopletools and application version are you now? Are you looking to upgrade your version or are you thinking about moving to another platform?